
3 Benefits to FlowCode Coaching

Congratulations on deciding to use your talents in the coaching industry! There is an amazing opportunity to use your gifts to help others perform at their best. How can the FlowCode Academy help you optimize your coaching business and leverage your clients’ success? You might be surprised.

FlowCode coaching

Flow state training with Breathing 

Oftentimes, people forget that full and consistent breathing is necessary for any kind of success. I know it sounds funny and so much of coaching focuses on the mind but without the optimization of the body—you are missing out on a lot of potential.

Lucky for you, FlowCode has an entire segmentation in their flow state coaching program that teaches you the science behind this and provides interactive experiences for you to pass this information along to your clients in a way that helps them learn and gauge for themselves. So much in coaching can be intangible, like the breath, until the results start rolling in. 

Flow state training for Productivity 

Results are why your clients come to you. But change can be tricky. With FlowCode Academy you have a fully integrative place to alchemize your clients’ success and increase the results that they bring into their lives. FlowCode offers an extensive range of videos, meditation, movement and visualizations that you can use as touchstones throughout your clients’ day helping to keep them aligned with the goals they wish to achieve.  When someone attends to the health of their body, mind and emotional connectivity productivity improves with ease.

Flow state training for Optimal state

We all want to be in that optimal flow state. We want to bring our flow coaching clients there too. Part of that optimal state is knowing when to extend effort and when to rebalance the mind-body connection. With FlowCode there is a library of resources that you can personalize for your clients, along with the science and the research to educate them on the power of living in the flow. 

What are you waiting for? Connect with FlowCode today and bring your coaching business into its optimal state for success!

Written by FlowCode Coach Kate Brenton

Inspired teacher, author + holistic healer, Kate Brenton, Ed.M., helps women connect the dots between their purpose, passion, and true brilliance.

She loves meeting women where they are and guiding them back to their center. Kate’s holistic work combines life experience with her studies of Polynesian Healing Arts.
