At the FlowCode Coaching Academy we are really passionate about group coaching as we have seen so many coaches successfully upgrade their coaching business by adding this format. It is not a matter of better or worse, comparing it to 1:1 coaching, it’s more a matter of making sure you are best spending your time, having leverage, options and flexibility plus a versatile offer to attract and retain clients.
But still, so many coaches are not doing this.
What are the main obstacles?
Coaches think group coaching is not efficient
- With group coaching you get more clients which automatically means more impact – already from this angle one could claim there is higher efficiency of your coaching as a business
- It is a different format to begin with so you cannot have a completely direct comparison to 1:1 coaching, it’s not a topic of better or worse, they can actually work best in combination or group coaching can be a prelude or continuation of the 1:1
- Many coaches are not even aware of all the possibilities group coaching offers so they cannot have a compelling argument on the topic of effectiveness
- Group dynamics, accountability within the group increase efficiency more than one would think
- Clients relax more easily – we see this everyday, 1:1 can be intimidating whereas group coaching can be an easy going format to gain the so necessary trust
- You can make it much more practical so clients really start installing new habits, rituals, intentions and beliefs – which should be the aim of any type of coaching.
Coaches don’t feel they have the right content to coach groups
Yes, this can be a problem because in order to coach groups you do need to have a lot of content, you need a strong practical part, you need concrete techniques to practice, you cannot dedicate so much time to a discussion as with one on one where you deal with one client’s challenges, in this case, the challenges are much more versatile and you cannot address them all, you simply need to generalize more, focus more on combining the theory and practice, installing new habits, ritualization, repetition.
Many coaches might not have the time and/or knowledge to prepare this so this is where we see with FlowCode we can be such a strong support.
In the form of our FlowHub7 Portal for coaches we provide 700+ flow inducing techniques and programs you can use at sessions as well as in between sessions as a way to stay connected with your clients.
Check more about all the options our FlowCode Coaching Academy offers for Coaches
Coaches are not immune to procrastination and as everyone, they tend to default from novelties
This is an obstacle that might seem surprising but so many times we see that coaches do not always practice what they preach. As we can see group coaching is pretty different from 1:1 coaching so one needs to dedicate some time to setting this up from the content point of view as well as from the business side. But if we really do your homework, check your goals, values and mission, we will quickly see how much it can contribute to the expansion of your business and to impacting more people which is probably one of the things that drives you. Then it’s just a matter of working towards those goals. And finding your flow, of course. With our FlowCode Coaching Academy we are here to support you every step of the way.
We have 2 amazing packages for coaches, depending on the level of support you wish.
The Intro Package offers some basic know how and our Portal with all the flow inducing techniques and programs and the Full Package is there to support you all the way with a course, certification, coaching tips, manuals, webinar/workshop materials, marketing materials, coach meeting and support as well as inclusion into our Academy with possible career progression opportunities.
Have a flow day,
FlowCode Coaching Academy