If the words SEO, keyword tool, Google rankings, and content calendar make you break out in a sweat, don’t worry. It’s not as complicated or daunting as the professional digital marketers make out. With our 5 content writing hacks for coaches, you will have a strong foundation for content writing mastery.

Why Do I Need to Write Content?
There are thousands of people who could benefit from hiring you as a coach. The trouble is, only some people know you well enough to trust and hire you. Advertising works, but as you know, you need to establish yourself as an expert in your field. To do this, writing insightful content is key to showing off your skills and knowledge. Most importantly, writing strong content builds the trust you need for people to hire you.
Before you attack your keyboard, take a step back and make a list of your clients’ burning questions, their struggles, and their pain points. Out of that list, you can create a list of blog post topics and go on to delivering content that raises your profile while helping potential clients to work toward their goals.
Why Does SEO Matter?
Optimizing your content for SEO is crucial. After all, you don’t want to write content and have it appear on page 20 of someone’s search. The good news is that you can find out how to optimize your content and learn the basic rules which we are outlining here. So, let’s get started!
5 Content Writing Hacks for Coaches – The Nuts & Bolts
1. Write Helpful Content that Delivers More than Other Posts
Google recently released new SEO best-practice guidelines. In a nutshell, the search engine will rank content higher that delivers insightful, actionable, and helpful advice to readers. What’s more, you need to provide first-hand expert tips that haven’t been published before. Your reader must come away from your content with a sense of satisfaction as well as practical tools.
2. Know Your Audience and Choose the Right Keywords or Keyphrases
As I mentioned above, you start by getting into your audience’s head. Sit down and write down a list of questions and issues they would have and then provide the answers in a blog post.
3. Use Keyword/ Keyphrase Tools
You don’t need to pick keywords out of the sky. Lots of free keyword tools exist, including Google Ads Planner, Semrush, Jaaxy, and Wordstream. Enter your planned keyword and see how many monthly searches it gets.
Long-tail keywords or keyphrases are easier to rank for because they have less competition meaning it’s easier to rank high using “how to get into the flow state” than it would be to rank for “flow state”.
4. Quality & Consistency
Search engines reward quality content. Longer posts also rank higher. In fact, if your website features lots of low quality content, you likely drop down the rankings even if some of your content is stellar.
If you are starting out with a new website, remember that this is a long process. The older your website, the better it will perform.
Publishing consistently, say, once per week also improves your rankings.
According to analysts, Google now also favours websites with site-wide consistency. Let’s say you provide stress management services. In that case, only produce niche-relevant content and don’t go off-topic.
5. Keyword Density, Content Length, Word Count, Paragraphs
Your posts should ideally be about 500- 900 words featuring your keyword(s) once in every 100 words at the very most. Your keyword should appear in the title, the first paragraph, and in a subheading.
Divide your content in short, reader-friendly paragraphs. Write second-person posts, i.e, directly address your readers.
These are some of the most basic content writing hacks for coaches. Many more exist, and I would like to invite you to join my webinar to learn more, so sign up HERE!
Anita Alig
Anita Alig is an Integrated Energ an Integrated Energy Therapist, NLP, Meditation, and Flow Coach. She works with groups and individuals focusing on helping clients to reduce stress, find their flow, and uncover their true essence.
Experienced Writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. Skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Writing, Healthcare, Marketing, and Customer Service. Strong media and communication professional. Founder of the Poetry Cooperative.