As we move into the much awaited year 2022 full of hopes and dreams, lets us take a moment and say “Thank you to 2021 for all the lessons learnt.” It’s not only the year 2021, but each year takes us through various experiences, be it GOOD that calls for a celebration or the NOT so good for us to create another path going forward. With a snap of a finger, a year just vanishes, A NEW YEAR emerges and then another and another…..and by the time you look back, you feel you have not really achieved what you really wanted.
Each year people make resolutions like quit smoking, lose weight, create a habit to wake up early, make more money, start a business, exercise, take up a course….and many more. Sadly, most give up within the next few days and get back to where they started. This is because of a lack of clarity on how to achieve it. Every resolution or a goal must have a supporting plan of action.
If there is no CLARITY or a CLEAR PATH, then it is just another year GONE again. Each year is precious, time will never come back. We must learn how to merge with time and experience life to the fullest by being in FLOW
The reason why we must learn to create a clear path/clear vision is because we have too many things that we cling on to. Creating CLARITY helps us get rid of things that we really don’t need, a simple example is holding on to clothes that you have not used in years, OR a goal that is not relevant to you anymore, now in this present phase of your life which would have made more sense 20 or 30 years ago OR letting go of an emotional hurt/relationship/anger……IN SHORT, anything that does not add value to your mission must be eliminated. When the path is clear you will be able to see your clear vision, hence LETTING GO is one key element to move forward. CLEARING creates space.
A vision for success in any area of your life be it FINANCIAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL & SPIRITUAL starts WITH YOU, going deep inward. The ability to tap into your resources, skills, mindset, being consistent and self- motivation will propel you forward on your success journey.
As years pass by our priorities change too, so firstly have a well thought- out vision that is relevant for you now. A “WELL THOUGHT- OUT VISION” is a very important element that will help you move towards achieving your dreams that fulfils you.
Observe what you feel when you hear this question, WHERE DO YOU WANT TO BE IN FUTURE? The fire in you or the excitement in you will tell you exactly if this is where you actually want to be. Goals can be BIG or SMALL,they go side by side. Example of a big goal can be about buying a home, starting a school, publishing your book etc, however your smaller goals can be for example, be more mindful, be of help to others, have more time with your loved ones, remember to smile at 5 people your neighborhood, be more compassionate when you talk to others, not to get upset with small mistakes etc. These small goals may seem small but this is what will help you connect with yourself to push you to your bigger goals.
A goal WITHOUT ACTION is just a DREAM. The path towards success needs actions. You can keep dreaming and see yourself in the very same spot as from the previous years, not moving even a single step or ready to take actions to make your dream a reality.
If you are really passionate in making that dream of yours come TRUE, then be ready to get out of your comfort zone. Some actions will be easy but sometimes it will be hard. And that is the time you feel like giving up. But once you cross those barriers there is no looking back.
Once you create your goals and start taking actions, you must stay focused and motivated. Mostly when you come to a difficult phase, chances are that people tend to give up. Create a strategy on how to create railings on either side to support you so you don’t fall.
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” –Henry Ford
Here are some points to remember when it comes to stay FOCUSED and MOTIVATED
- WRITE your goals and visions and READ it every day. STICK IT somewhere it is visible TO REMIND YOU each moment eg on the door in your wash room, the door of your wardrobe, next to your dressing table etc. Make sure your Goals are SMART- SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and TIMELY.
- Break down your goals to Quarterly goals, monthly goals and weekly goals. Stay focused on each week and be CONSISTENT.
- Share your goal with someone you know or a Mentor who will support you. This person will be your ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER. You can choose anyone BUT NOT with a close friend or a family member. Someone who is close to you is very familiar and sometimes they will not be able to support you especially with your emotions, their hearts might take over and create space for you to bend your own rules. Create weekly updates with your accountability partner via calls or whatsapp.
- Always create POSITIVE MOTIVATION – “I slept late last night but I will stick to my workout routine in the morning and give it a 100%. I will take a power nap later during the day. It will help my body to relax NEGATIVE MOTIVATION– “I slept late last night, I will skip today’s workout.
- Rewarding yourself is a way to celebrate your achievements. Do something you love like going for a massage, or a quiet peaceful time to read a book, catch up with a friend or share a slice of cake with your spouse.
- Do it with Integrity, be true to yourself. The outcome is always the results of what you are willing to put in.
- And finally spend some time during the day practicing mindfulness. Deep Breathing, Meditations, Silence helps you be more productive. Create a daily habit to write down 3 things you are grateful for and acknowledge yourself by writing down 3 of your successes.
When each year ends, take the best and leave the rest. CREATE A NEW BEGINNING, a beginning that sees the path till the end of the new year and we create again. Its only when we create, we are living. Always keep in mind the bigger picture. When you look back at 2021, you should feel sense of PRIDE, FULFILLMENT, HAPPINESS, PEACE and a SENSE OF EMPOWERMENT. MOST IMPORTANTLY you must BELIEVE
Written by Meera Nair
Meera Nair is an International Fitness Educator, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and a published Author. She conducts Talks, Workshops, Mind and Body fitness sessions for employees from corporate companies, schools and various other institutions, helping participants to go beyond fitness for better performance, improve productivity, creativity, health and lifestyle.