
Flow state training & Evolution of worldview paradigms

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Learn more about flow state training and flow state coaching with FlowCode Coaching Academy

Worldview concerns how we perceive the world and with it, it influences our whole cognition, experience & outlook on life, from bottom up. Throughout human history, we as a society have evolved and adapted to many emerging paradigms that is always tuned to culture, place & time in history.

It is closely related to overall societal package that includes also what technology society is built on, the sum of all relationships and environmental conditions, but still one of the most influential factors remains in form of our deep core belief of what the whole experience means and through which story line is narrated and interpreted.

Survival based paradigm

The survival based worldview is most common in conditions of power imbalance and where perceptions of vulnerability and danger are present. During this phase, human beings fear for their survival and seek power in order to achieve security.

In a world full of dangers, order and protection are highly valued. In conditions of survival, it is typical for one or a small number of people to gain power through demonstrations of might and force, and for others to follow them in order to ensure their own safety and protection. Human relationships are characterized by the unequal distribution of power and rely primarily upon the use of force.

Survival phase of thinking is prone to a considerable degree of violence because people in such stage view the world as dangerous, operate on principles of force and control and assume that the ultimate goal of life is to secure safety for oneself.

Societies tend to be authoritarian in their power orientation and as such are not conducive to the creation of lasting peace in the context of unity in diversity. Though the survival based paradigm has enabled human groups to use their powers and resources to meet basic survival needs, the authoritarian use of power demands conformity, blind obedience and passive resignation by the powerless.

In such a society women, children, minorities, foreigners and those stripped of power and wealth are placed in conditions of disadvantage, neglect and abuse.

Under these conditions, individuals cannot fully develop their inherent talents and capabilities. In effect, the society itself cannot advance since it has deprived itself of creative contributions of the majority of its people. The pace and order that such a system creates are illusional. The system lasts only as long as the imbalance of power enables the ruling class to impose order on the people who have been subjected.

Identity based paradigm

The identity based worldview emerges out of the survival phase. Once our basic survival is ensured, our attention focuses on strengthening of our individual and group identities. The intense competition and power struggle characterizes the identity phase of human development and promotes the “law of the jungle”. Competition and “survival of the fittest is the main operating principle. The ultimate purpose of life is to get ahead of others and win.

In pursuing selfhood, this phase is characterized by the development of new ideas and practices on one hand and extremes of competition and rivalry on the other.

On societal level it corresponds with the period of scientific and technological advancement and democratization of government within competitive structure.

The importance of humanity moving into the identity phase is emergence from the shackles of blind obedience of survival phase, fostering an increase in intellectual inquiry, human and material development and experimentation with the new forms of governance.

In the final stages, which majority of nations are now experiencing, two issues are taking the central stage globally: the need for balance between unique national identities in the context of peaceful, cooperative coexistence and the need for pursuit of personal and group excellence within the parameters of ethical principles.

While the survival paradigm has dominated the world political and socioeconomic trends throughout most of the recorded history, the identity paradigm has been present for only last two centuries. In modern world, both paradigms are still present and shape the political, social, religious and economic conditions of our times.

Despite benefits these paradigms brought to humanity, it has become apparent that they are no longer adequate to advance humanity’s condition further, since progress today depends upon overcoming the conflicts and injustice that persistently divide individuals and communities.

As humanity moves beyond these phases, a new level of consciousness, characterized by a new paradigm is gradually emerging that will be uniquely capable of meeting the challenges and opportunities of collective maturity.

Unity based paradigm

Because both, the survival and identity based worldviews are conflict prone, enormous waste takes place in all aspects of human life while deprived of opportunities to develop. Having fully explored the potential and limits of the survival and identity based worldviews, humanity is now ready for an alternative approach to life and society that can achieve global peace and prosperity (creating a new paradigm).

The emergence of peace centered paradigm is finally gaining momentum and represents maturity of individuals as well as society.

First minds of individuals must be civilized before we can create a progressive material, social and political civilization. Peace must first take place in human consciousness, in our thoughts, emotions and personal objectives.

The unity based paradigm is based on the premise of oneness. Societies operate according to the principle of unity in diversity and holds as its ultimate objective the creation of a civilization of peace … equal, just, progressive, moral, diverse and united.

It rejects all forms of prejudice and segregation and it requires the application of universal ethical principles at all levels of government.

A civilization of unity has unique political, social and ethical dimensions. It ensures that the fundamental human needs for safety, freedom, prosperity and peace are met within the framework of the rule of law and fully safeguarded.

The benefits of unity based paradigm cannot be overestimated. Simply stated, conflict always requires an enormous expenditure of energy and resources. Unity enables human resources to be nurtured and used more fully, creatively and effectively. Even a unity based society faces challenges, but these can be met with cooperation rather than the extreme competition and survival.

Many people begin to reflect their worldview paradigms as a result of either personal crisis or intellectual curiosity. Now we are able to understand how they shape our modes of thinking and choose actions that are creating a society of unity.

A number of examples can be found that humanity is moving toward unity. Science and technology have obliterated national boundaries and transportation systems have brought people from all parts of the world face to face.

The Project Unity strives for peaceful and prosperous world civilization based on justice and equality for all and holds it as an ultimate purpose of all actions. All this is indeed within our reach.

This vision carries forward positive elements from the survival and identity paradigms while adding new dimensions to how we perceive the world, our relationships, our societies and ourselves.

The primary challenge before individuals and communities is to dedicate their resources, talents and energies to the creation of ever wider circles of unity within the family, community and society at large.

Our goal is to create a culture of peace and unity. To attain this goal, we must change the base of how we perceive and filter reality. And that can be achieved only through “unity based worldview”.

From all the above written, one conclusion can be made … if a basic worldview is changed … all the above thought processes will be affected, changing perception/judgement of any event that happened, is happening or will happen.

Reprogramming can only happen at the deep base level …

at the core of a worldview

(attitude or position toward one’s own existence and events).

Once enough people include unity based worldview into their perception (tipping point), then the collective mind will flow toward elimination of pathologies on global level, based on a structurally promoted Flow philosophy spawning society wide feeling of compassion & cooperation.

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