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Working with elite performers for over 20 years, there’s a skill that is overlooked all the time is about actual evaluation. You say, “Evaluation? That’s something that’s happened after a performance.” Exactly. It’s that so many people want to have their performance and have their result. Either blame other people, never take responsibility that they may have had part of that result, or they just move on because they’re so busy, and guess what?

They never learn any lesson. And learning goes with the overall approach toward your golf mental game. So elite performers are all about learning. And they’re about what I call a reality check.

Taking responsibility for results to improve performance

Let’s actually look at the results, play it backward and say “How did that result occur? What was in your control?” So for instance, I have a lot of people who are going to blame, “Oh, it was that person’s fault. They didn’t get my message. Oh, they weren’t paying attention …”

But actually, that’s about you and your presentation and about developing rapport and about connection. It’s actually your responsibility, but we want to push it off to the government’s responsibility or the competition or this, that, and you just fill in the blank, instead of saying, “What could I have done better? What is in my control?” Questions you need to ask if you want to adopt an effective golf mental game approach.

And I usually talk about performance state, is how you show up is going to be part of that? So, how are you showing up? Was that important sales presentation the best that you could’ve done? Were you focused? Were you composed? Were you confident? Did you communicate clearly?

Those would be some certain skill sets that you would want to look at and evaluate so you can now go, “Huh, I could’ve probably done that a little better. I could’ve put the message slightly differently here. I could’ve asked for questions earlier.” Right?

Now we’re actually doing post-analysis which is so crucial because you don’t want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Part of the evaluation is the keyword responsibility. You’re now taking responsibility for results and that puts us in a much better mindset than victimhood. “Oh, it’s always somebody else’s fault.”

This and there … Peak performers are never in a victimhood type of mentality, so what would be a good reality check for you? Is it asking just some simple questions? Is it getting feedback from a colleague? Is it just looking at, “Hey, I didn’t get the job done.”

It can start with questions and then you get deeper and deeper and deeper into where those behaviors come from. If I wasn’t prepared, is it because I wasn’t really focused on what I really wanted to say in the first place, or was I distracted by the people in the audience? There could be numerous things that could’ve gotten in the way of your performance, but if you do not evaluate, how will you know how to be better next time? So peak performers in sports, in business and in life are constantly curious and learning about what they did. Did it get them the result they wanted?

Evaluating both successes and failures

If not, what can they learn so next time’s different? The last part about evaluation is when you do get the results you want. Do you evaluate how you got that result? Some people say, “Ah, I got lucky,” or “Oh wow, okay.”

No, no, no, you didn’t get lucky. There were certain steps that took you there. And then you think back and you go, “Wow, yeah, that did work. That pre-routine that I started working on with Rick really helped me stay calm and focused and I got my message across.

So, as much as I want you to evaluate the times that maybe you didn’t get the result you want, equally, I want you to also get the reality check on the results that you did like, that did meet your expectations, that did achieve excellence because you want to learn that recipe for success of how the heck did I do it? So I can repeat.

So, let’s start getting into more of a reality check. Take responsibility for the results we’re getting instead of being a victim, understanding what was in your control, what state were you showing up at, and so we can understand your mindset and your behavior now led to those results and master golf mental game.

FlowCode Golf Academy / Start with golf mental game training / Learn more about golf mental game coaching