FlowCode Golf Academy combines experience of professional golfers, performance coaches and years of research from leading experts in the field of sports psychology, to educate you how to tap into your golf mental game potential.
Rick Sessinghaus
Director of FlowCodeGolf Academy & life long mental coach of Collin Morikawa.
Mental golf performance coach, FlowCode Golf Academy Cofounder, PGA Pro, FlowCode Golf Academy Director, FlowCode Education Expert, founder of Sessinghaus Performance Systems Inc.
Hallam morgan
Hallam Morgan is a renowned mental skills coach specializing in the development of elite competitive athletes by equipping them with the necessary skills to maximise performance and fulfilment.
Hallam has rich experience working with top European tour players, helping them reach true potential through flow.
FlowCode Golf Master trainer and founder of Good Swings Happen Junior Golf Academy, teaches players of all ages and skill levels, specializing in juniors.
Josh is a PGA member, serves on the SCPGA Teaching Committee, is GRAA Top 50 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional and is the 2018 SCPGA Youth Player Development Award recipient.
Colin Bykowski founded Ideate Performance Group in 2013 focusing on mental coaching and golf instruction for high performance junior, amateur and professional players.
Colin is a former touring professional and a PGA of Canada Class A teaching professional. He has been studying the mental game and flow states for the past twenty years.
Rick Fehr joined the PGA Tour in 1985 and won two PGA Tour events: the 1986 B.C. Open and the 1994 Walt Disney World/Oldsmobile Classic.
Biggest thrill outside of golf is having opportunities to help others. A seasoned golf mental coach with extensive experience, Rick specialty is working with professional golfers & top amateur players, helping them achieve flow on and off course.