
Flow state science / Change perception … change reality

“The world” is the broadest environment that is cognitively, practically and emotionally relevant. “The world” should not be identified with “the earth,” nor with “the cosmos,” nor with “the observable universe,” but with the totality in which we live and to which we can relate ourselves in a meaningful way.

A worldview (cognitive orientation) paradigm is a mental framework through which individuals and groups perceive the nature of reality, the nature and purpose of human life and the laws governing human relationships. Paradigms are shaped by our experiences while at the same time they reshape our perception.

Everyone has their own worldview paradigm, whether they are aware of it or not. It determines how we perceive, interpret, understand & experience reality. Worldview influences all that we think and all that we do.

Worldview paradigms develop over the course of a lifetime and are transmitted from generation to generation through means as education, family, religious beliefs, political orientation and media. They evolve in direct response to the development of individual consciousness, which in turn is shaped by the sum of our unique individual experiences and collective cultural heritage.

Worldview paradigms are different in nature and quality … for example, a “conflict-oriented paradigm considers conflict to be normal and acceptable, while it spawns a conflict based personality that manifests itself in thoughts, feelings and actions.

Within such a paradigm everything is measured and expressed in terms of degrees of conflict.

Usually we are only partially aware of the worldview paradigms we hold and are for the most part taking for granted (they exist below the surface of our conscious awareness). Depending on which view of the world we eventually adopt, the way we live our lives is dramatically different. Our worldview paradigms affect every aspect of our lives.

From fear to flow

Deep base perception change influences how we sense and experience the world around us while having an effect on every thought. Thoughts that arise from changed paradigm have a positive & constructive qualities, creating feeling of awareness of being connected & alive. It has multidimensional effects on every person within that person parameters.

Rather than treating our psychology like the unquestioned operating system of our entire lives, we can re-purpose it to function like we want it to, in a way that brings best possible outcome in terms of both survival & fulfillment on individual and collective level. Nothing is internal or external, it is all one. This gives you a platform to feel the sense of empowerment – a power with compassion.

A power to willfully contribute to the next level society we are building together. It is how you interpret reality and how you act on it and see for yourself how far down the rabbit hole it goes. In reality you need to explain to yourself whether life is worth investing your psychic effort?

In neuroscience and psychology, the concepts of trust/love and fear are more than just emotions. They relate to how the deepest unconscious regions of our brain operate. And by gaining insight into the realms of our unconscious mind and the reality that it emerges from, we are presented with basic existential questions.

The deep core basic perceptions you have about the world define every further experience. These core perceptions completely and utterly influence each of your decisions, how you approach and see yourself and relationships, how you experience what this reality means to you.

Based on the presentation of hiearchy going from deep base level worldview perceptions through values and norms into manifested throughts and daily actions, we have in reality everything boiling down to two distinct options.The two options of how to build personality & perception of reality are the Flow personality or Fear personality.

Flow mode vs fear mode

Flow personality vs Fear personality

These are two distinct ends of a personality spectrum, while different levels of both can always be present or not, it is up to our own perception alone of how and what we are going to experience in a moment to moment reality.

Fear personality / Fear mode

A life lived in fear is a life half-lived

A fear-driven life is a life in which thoughts, decisions and actions are predominantly motivated by fear. Most people live a fear driven life, since our present culture promotes a fear-driven life. It is a vicious circle and a self -fulfilling perception.

In a fear-driven life, the driving force behind most thoughts and actions is fear. This may be fear of death, fear of loneliness, fear of poverty or fear of pain. This fear arises out of a lack of understanding, by not realizing one is a co-creator of his own life and having a perception of being separate and endangered.

The degree of fear reflects the degree of illusion of separation.

The more fearful we are, the more we feel the need to control our life by controlling nature and everything else. Fear can paralyze us into inaction, it can numb our emotion and thoughts, resulting in poor decisions and judgments. It impairs our insights.

Any decision that is made out of fear tends to lead to more fear and separation. Instead of all-embracing, it is divisive and self centered.

So our fear, our anxiety, is about a sense that we lack control or we have lost or will lose control. Guess what? You can’t control everything. We’d like to think we can, but we can’t. We can only do what we are doing in the moment.

Fear is manifested as our everyday anxieties where we find ourselves living in the regret of the past, or grasping at the future. You are creating your pain, your anxiety and discomfort because you are going out, projecting, instead of staying in.

The default mode network is most commonly shown to be active when a person is not focused on the outside world and the brain is at wakeful rest, such as during daydreaming and mind-wandering. The network activates “by default” when a person is not involved in a task.

Flow personality / Flow mode / Flow state science

Flow is trust

By stepping outside ourselves, we gain perspective. We become objectively aware of our costumes rather than subjectively fused with them. We realize we can take them off, discard those that are worn out or no longer fit, and even create new ones.

The world should come from us – and not at us. We are the creator of our own experiences. We always need to be mindful of our thoughts, and the way in which we interpret our experiences. Our interpretation of our experiences creates our reality.

Our minds are extremely powerful, as so are our thoughts. So in essence we create our own reality based on the perception/mindset that we have.

Thoughts create our reality, they literally effect your view and experience of your life and your world. That’s the paradox of selflessness—by periodically losing our minds we stand a better chance of finding ourselves.

The task oriented network is responsible for directing our conscious attention towards the external environment through our five senses, towards our internal bodily states, and to the willful execution of physical and mental action.

As life may at some point not to appear as much, it is the only thing we have.

Creator mode is manifested in the presence, at the point at which we shed the past, let go of the future and are just there, where we are, in that moment.

“The most important decision that we make is, whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.”

Albert Einstein
