“What we need is a common ground … a ground for all of us to grow from and create a new, better society that is based on principles of unity.”
We as human kind are in the midst of unprecedented exponential development of all areas of life. Stress, uncertainty and frustration are increasing, minds are overloaded with information, knowledge and worldviews are fragmented, values are eroding.
The resulting climate is one of conflict, division, war, anxiety and despair. Society as a whole is plagued with alarming chronic and mental diseases, individual and collective depression is looming … all leading to inevitable critical conclusion … it’s time for a paradigm change.
Our mission spawned from an idea of recognizing the underlying concept of the flow state being a part of all religious traditions, recognized by science as a trait observed in highly actualized individuals & high performance athletes, while supported by the research in quantum physics and latest discoveries in neuroscience.
We finally have been able to discover the inner workings and triggers to re-frame every individual to feel purpose, meaning and happiness. The Unity concept is based on idea that values and morality must be based on an agreeable common denominator, meaning values need to have physiological and psychological anchor (bioethics) in order for the whole to have a meaningful coherence and a pointing vector of effort.
“Forging “Unity paradigm” is an attempt at framing the concept of flow within the concept of Unity and describing how an unsuspected unified physio-psychological anchor can become a basic facilitator for a paradigm change on a global level.”
We are the legacy of 15 billion years of cosmic evolution. We have a choice … we can enhance life and come to know the universe that we are a part of or we can squander our 15 billion-year heritage in meaningless self-destruction.
What happens next depends on what we do, here and now with our intelligence and our knowledge.
The concept of flow and its expression in our thoughts feelings and actions is a common ground and the great unifying concept that would bind us all into one new paradigm.
Together we must answer the call … this is a chance at a fresh new beginning … to bring unity and unprecedented prosperity to all of the humankind.
“Once enough people experience the fulfilling reality of flow and universal values that are generated out of it, we would fast-forward progress as species and create peace and unprecedented unity.”
If you are like us and
have a burning sense of expressing UNITY.
If you are like us and feel the need
to stand up to our individual & collective fears.
If you have the intention to change your life and
to help change the life of others.
Join us on our mission.
We can’t do this alone.
It’s ONLY through UNITY
that we can make our lives truly meaningful.
Project Unity is based on philosophy of unity and serves as the ultimate roadmap for 21st century personal & societal development.
A complete plan how to achieve flow society through implementation of Unity principles into all levels of society that is articulated and promoted through non profit cooperative “Project Unity”.
Project Unity frames the concept of flow within the context of Unity and describes how an unsuspected unified physio-psychological anchor can become a basic facilitator for a positive paradigm change on a global level.